RINGWOOD, NJ — Kicking off 2021 — its 25th year of operation — with the slogan “In the Mix Since ‘96,” Wave Distribution was established in 1996 by industry veteran Gil Griffith after spending 10 years as VP of sales for Eventide, which included his work on the ultra-successful launch of the company’s ultra-successful H3000 Ultra-Harmonizer.
Over the past quarter-century, Griffith’s desire from the very beginning was to provide artists, music stores, pro audio dealers and international audio distributors with only the finest and most interesting audio products available. This approach — of quality over quantity — resulted in Wave Distro shepherding some of the most accomplished and respected professional audio brands in the industry — Empirical Labs, Burl Audio, Dangerous Music, Focal Studio Monitors, Kush Audio, MiLab Microphones and Thermionic Culture — to name a few.
Continuing in that tradition, in addition to celebrating 25 years with Empirical Labs, Wave Distribution is proud to represent new pro audio stalwarts Samar Microphones, Serpent Audio, Useful Arts Audio and Whitestone Audio Instruments.
Congratulations to Wave Distribution on 25 years of success and service to the pro audio community — here’s to 25 more!
For more info, visit: www.wavedistribution.com