HAMPSHIRE, U.K. — While noting that China distributor HX Audio will continue to look after Audient’s console sales in the Hong Kong and Chinese territories, Audient named Digime as the new distributor for its compact product range in China, including the USB interface, iD22 and the 8-channel mic pre and ADC, ASP880. Pictured here are Audient’s Simon Blackwood (center) flanked by Digime’s COO Lenlo Zhu (left) and CEO KK Chen (right). Audient also recently named Kinoton Korea as its distributor in that country for the company’s full range of products.
More details from Audient (www.audient.com):
Fresh and fully energized after the recent PALM Expo 2014 in Beijing, Digime’s COO Lenlo Zhu and his team are encouraged by the visitor response to the Audient range. Lenlo says of the iD22, “It’s simply fantastic! It has that traditional, classic Audient console sound, with a British design style. A monitor, mixer and mic preamp all combined in one unit – it’s a best buy!”
Audient’s Simon Blackwood confirms, “Digime has built a strong presence in the pro audio market and is uniquely positioned to connect directly with our rapidly growing customer base in China. We couldn’t be happier with the new partnership.”
Audient Names Kinoton Korea, Inc. Distributor for South Korea
Audient named Kinoton Korea, Inc. distributor for its full range of products in South Korea, including the USB interface, iD22 and the 8-channel mic pre and ADC, ASP880.
A managing director of Kinoton Korea, Inc., Mr Chris Bae comments on the partnership with the British manufacturer: “We, Kinoton Korea, Inc. are pleased to work with Audient and are very ambitious to promote the high-quality products to the Korean market and look forward to having great success and feedback from the market very soon.”
Audient’s sales & marketing director Luke Baldry confirms, “Audient’s focus is on quality, which is supported by a proud heritage. Chris Bae and his team have a strong knowledge of the South Korean market, and we have every confidence that they will handle Audient sales, support and service at exactly the right level.”
Mr Bae was the founder of Kinoton Korea, Inc. in 2000 and can be contacted on info@kinoton.co.kr or call +82 2 6293 1900.