Production Intercom, Inc is lukewarm about the addition of Dave Johnson to their marketing department, and Sibbelina appreciates the extra time she has gained by shirking her responsibilities onto me. Just yesterday we talked for four hours about how nice it was to have an extra three hours a day to get her work done. She is especially grateful to give me the responsibility of generating press releases that end up in your trash (sorry, recycle) bin. Glenn is excited about my arrival. Mostly because he gets to build a brand new, best-in-class, never to be outdated, computer for me. If you didn't know, the talent that rivals Glenns ability to design the best intercom system for you is his ability to build a ridiculously fast PC. I guess the days of building his own crystal sets and hi-fi system are paying off. Now if I can get him to have the Apple/Mac logo on the screen we will be in good shape.
About me: (Written in third person, to make me seem humble.)
Dave brings with him nearly 15 years of experience in marketing and advertising services to companies in the manufacturing and retail industries. As well as some amount of psychological baggage related to working in the arts. His most recent position with Commercial Image Production, Inc. served clients that included Sunbeam-Oster, Thermos, Fellows, OfficeMax, Med Line Industries and Illinois Tool Works. Wow, impressive client list, and most of them survived bankruptcy.
Dave will be attending the trade shows in 2007, to introduce himself to customers and media. He also welcomes any questions or input pertaining to the company's marketing and communications department. Please try to be kind; he is a little fragile.
Production Intercom, Inc. can be reached by dialing 1-800-562.5872 or faxing 847.381.4360, or by email at or on the Web at