NEW YORK CITY — Production Resource Group (PRG) New York is supplying two Yamaha PM5D digital sound reinforcement consoles to the Today Show Concert Series held through November on the Plaza at Rockefeller Center.
As for the decision to switch from analog consoles used at the beginning of the summer concert series to the PM5D, PRG’s John McLaughlin, systems tech and RF specialist, said it was based on clients’ needs. “We recognized that more and more bands are now using digital consoles and have been getting requests for the Yamaha PM5D for both front of house and monitors,” he says. “The PM5D seems to be the standard in today’s monitor mixing console selection not to mention that it has amazing control capabilities and minimizes the amount of processing racks that would be needed with any analog desk.”
Yamaha Commercial Audio Systems Inc. recently announced the availability of PM5DV2 software available as a free download. Version 2 adds over 30 new features based on input from the company’s customer base of engineers, sound companies and contractors. New features include Virtual Soundcheck, which allows for a switch between live inputs and inputs from a multi-track recorder.
Version 2 also includes Effect Library Programs: De-Essor, add-on VCM (Virtual Circuitry Modeling) effects now built-in such as analog modeled compressors and EQs (Comp 276, Comp260, EQ601), and OpenDeck tape simulation. Effects can be used as additional 31-band GEQs, and all GEQs can be switched to PEQs. The Channel Move feature allows channels to be moved for layout reorganization.
“The PM5D has a smaller foot print, and as an engineer, space often becomes an issue,” notes McLaughlin. “Also, any band on the show can have their engineer come in with a PCI card, and within minutes they are at the starting point for the show.”
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