BERLIN — Preparations for the "Stadtkirchenfest" in Berlin, an ecumenical gathering of more than 170 Christian and Orthodox groups and communities, as well as welfare organizations and action groups, were in the hands of the Berlin-Brandenburg Ecumenical Council, in cooperation with the Diocesan Council of the Archdiocese of Berlin. To handle the technical side of the festival, the Council called in Clemens Müller, freelance production manager and sound engineer. The south side of Berlin's Alexander-Platz was selected as the main venue, although it is directly adjacent to residential neighborhoods. For this reason, Berlin's Public Order Office set a volume limit of 63dB, measurable at a distance of approximately 270 meters in front of the stage and 100 meters at the side behind the stage.
The festival required a normal concert PA system for the area in front of the stage (approx. 50 meters) and a separate system for announcements during the performances in the rear section (about 50-110 meters).
The design proposals for the sound system were drawn up by PAM/events Gesellschaft für Veranstaltungstechnik mbH, with the support of Reinhard Steger from CAMCOkk GmbH and freelance sound engineer Ralph Metzler.
The main PA consisted of 9 GEO D10 cabinets and 3 GEO D subs arrayed on each side of the stage, aligned to provide coverage to about 65 meters from the stage. The delay system was made up of two hangs of 8 GEO S805s per side and was flown about 55 meters in front of the stage on tip towers. In addition, 4 L-Acoustics MTD 112s were used for the near fill and center cluster. The equipment at the main mixer position included a Yamaha PM5D console and a Yamaha DME 24.
Sascha Richter was in charge of the monitor position, using a Midas XL340, 6 BSS FCS960s and 14 LE400 wedge monitors from Martin Audio onstage.
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