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Oklahoma Centennial Spectacular Celebrates with JBL

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OKLAHOMA CITY – In a high-profile event that reinforces the reliable performance and easy setup of JBL Professional VERTEC line arrays, staging production company Alford Media Services recently provided the audio and video systems for the Oklahoma Centennial Spectacular at the Ford Center in Oklahoma City. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Oklahoma’s statehood, the event featured performances by many legendary Oklahomans including Carrie Underwood, Reba McEntire, Toby Keith, Vince Gill and the Flaming Lips.

The event drew a crowd of approximately 18,000, and was broadcast live across the state of Oklahoma. Alford Media Services faced the daunting task of managing sound for a large number of diverse performers. “Moving quickly from one artist to another was probably the biggest challenge of the event,” Bishop said. “We needed predictable results from the PA system due to the short intervals between performance segments, so all transitions had to be seamless. Going from the All-American Rejects to Carrie Underwood, or from Reba McEntire to the Flaming Lips, is challenging for both stage technicians and mix engineers. We needed a PA that not only provided a lot of power, but also had the fidelity to handle the variety of acts.”

Alford Media Services deployed an event system that included two main hangs of 16 VerTec VT4889 full-size line array elements each in a left/right configuration, complemented by eight VT4880 arrayable subwoofers on each side. Two arrays of 12 VT4888 medium-size line array elements each provided additional outfill coverage. Six VRX932LA portable line array loudspeakers provided coverage to other hard-to-reach seating areas.

According to Bishop, the easy rigging and light weight of the VerTec line arrays were as crucial to the event’s success as the system’s sonic fidelity. “VerTec is our flagship box, and the system’s flexibility is one of the main reasons,” he said. “For the Ford Center event, we had a massive PA system that was out of the truck and set up right away. This show clearly demonstrated the benefits of how VerTec loudspeakers can be rigged together very easily.”

Because the Ford Center has specific guidelines for array trim height, the predictable performance of the VerTec system proved all the more beneficial. “We entered the spec requirements into our computer, diagrammed the system with JBL’s VerTec Line Array Calculator, and the system did exactly what we expected it to do,” Bishop added. “There was consistent sound pressure throughout the entire arena, which is a tremendous benefit that’s only possible with a line array system, which performs as advertised.”

Alford Media’s Lead Sound Engineer Matt Bishop led a production crew that included John Caswell (Alford Media’s Audio Services Manager); Will Sargent (Additional FOH Engineer); System Engineers Philip Barrett and Justin McLellan; Monitor Engineers Thad Edwards, Mark Bauer and Chuck Davis; RF Coordinator Stan Hunter; and Project Managers Eric Hagstrom and Pat Reed.

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