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Meyer Sees Future in the Stars

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SAN FRANCISCO–As part of its presence at the 2006 AES show Meyer Sound introduced Constellation electroacoustic architecture, a complete package of equipment and services, and centered around the company's VRAS technology, that gives venues the flexibility to alter their acoustics instantly, and accommodate a variety of events and source material. To use a performance venue for an application with different acoustical needs than it was designed for has meant either putting architectural solutions in place, or compromising a performance with inappropriate acoustics. Yet today's venues are expected to be capable of presenting the full spectrum of program types, while variable architectural solutions can be very expensive and have a limited range of effectiveness.

"Constellation is a powerful and carefully considered response to the formidable acoustical needs of multipurpose venues," says Meyer Sound president/CEO John Meyer.

Constellation employs Meyer Sound's VRAS (variable room acoustic system) processor in combination with newly designed Stella loudspeakers and Constellation microphones certified by Meyer Sound. The VRAS technology, originally developed by Dr. Mark Poletti of Industrial Research Limited, employs a powerful DSP engine capable of generating multichannel reverberation and early reflections, as well as mixing, processing and routing them.

The sound of Constellation approaches the natural waveforms because the system is designed to behave like a real room, with early reflections generated from stage sound and accurately directionalized, while reverberation comes from a combination of a digital reverberation chamber and a regenerative acoustical structure. The regenerative portion of Constellation incorporates the natural acoustics of the room, rather than ignoring them or simply trying to overpower them with artificial reverberation.

Constellation is designed as a whole system that includes support as well as gear.

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