CHESTER, PA–As part of an extensive renovation project, the sanctuary at Immanuel Baptist Church in Baltimore, Md., features a new sound reinforcement system driven by Inter-M L Series power amplifiers. Audio-Video Group, a design-build system integrator based in Frederick, Md., provided the design of the new sound system in addition to heading up its installation. The company chose to go with a distributed, mono approach to insure complete coverage throughout the 300-capacity room, which is wider than it is deep.
"This new system represents a big improvement over the 15-year-old version it replaced," says Charles Cassell of Audio-Video Group. "We've all been quite pleased with the sonic upgrade in every aspect of reinforcement at services and other events held in the sanctuary."
Four Inter-M power amplifiers (two model L1800 and two model L2400) are rack-mounted with the system's dbx DriveRack digital processor in an adjacent equipment room. They drive the system's six D.A.S. Audio DS8 full-range loudspeakers flown above three seating sections, with two loudspeakers providing dedicated coverage to each section. In addition, one of the L2400 channels is dedicated to a single D.A.S. Audio 18F 18-inch-loaded subwoofer.
"We were attracted to these amplifiers because of their low rate of AC power consumption. This was a situation where available power was limited, so it was important that the new system not overload the building's electrical system," notes Cassell.
Inter-M L Series amplifiers are highlighted by a 2-ohm-load stable design, in addition to offering selectable high-pass filtering on each channel, clip limiter circuitry and forced air cooling.
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