WASHINGTON, DC — The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology test results were released July 31 evaluating the performance of proposed unlicensed devices that would operate in the “white spaces” of the TV broadcast spectrum. The FCC released the results of the testing yesterday.
FCC experts tested two prototypes of proposed personal/portable consumer devices that were designed to detect and avoid both active DTV channels and wireless microphone signals. According to the test report, however, the prototype devices failed to consistently sense or detect the presence of either DTV broadcasts or wireless microphones. Testing also showed that the prototype devices interfered with digital cable TV channel reception on three DTV receivers in a typical home environment.
The tests were conducted as the FCC prepares to issue regulations in October that will govern whether unlicensed consumer devices are permitted to operate in the so-called “white spaces” between active TV channels. Wireless microphones and other wireless audio devices have used this spectrum for more than 20 years.
Sandy LaMantia, president and CEO of Shure, said, “Shure has always urged policymakers to leave this issue in the hands of unbiased and independent testing experts. Unfounded promises that interference mitigation technology ‘will work’ aren’t good enough. After the release of this report, the Commission and Congress can see why the independent analysis was so important.
“The idea that big manufacturers can dump millions of new gadgets onto the same frequencies as wireless microphones without causing devastating interference to sports, entertainment, religious, news gathering and other live productions is simply not supported by engineering reality,” said Mark Brunner, senior director of public and industry relations at Shure. “The FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology deserves tremendous credit for resisting pressure to forego a hard look at claims that the new devices won’t interfere and for resolving the issue on sound and objective engineering analysis.”
In the coming weeks, FOH will be issuing a letter for our readers to send to their senators and congresspersons. Stay tuned.
For more information about the white space issue, visit
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