SYDNEY – The network of HK AUDIO sound system users in Australia has grown. In late 2007, BE Productions, a company located in the north of Sydney, bought a 2 x 8 Cohefra Compact system comprising 16 CDR 108 C enclosures, eight CDR 210 C cabinets, and two PR 8 amp racks. This newcomer is the fifth firm on the continent to join the Cohedra user network.
BE Productions installs systems and provides concert sound reinforcement, but specializes in outdoor cinema events, exclusively using Sanyo projectors and inflatable screens made by the German manufacturer Airscreen. The company’s crew of eight technicians and its two proprietors handles the technical support for major Australian events such as Newton’s Playground Extreme Sports Festival and Starlight Cinema events. A highlight on the company calendar is the annual Movies in the Overflow, held in Sydney in January. Part of the city’s Olympic Park, the Overflow serves as an open-air cinema that caters to as many as 9,000 viewers a day during the Sydney Festival.
BE Productions also relies on HK Audio products for smaller events, with several Lucas Impact systems in its arsenal. Only the best equipment will do for BE Productions co-owner Marc McAvoy. “We put a premium on the quality and reliability of our equipment because we can’t afford to have something breakdown at our outdoor movie events. Setup and tear-down speed also plays a big role for us, especially at cinema events. HK Audio has an excellent product philosophy with plug & play systems through and through, be it a Cohedra rig or a just small Lucas system."
For larger events, BE Productions teams up with fellow Australian HK Audio users, much to McAvoy’s delight:”Slowly but surely, Australian HK Audio users are building an efficient network. The Australian distributor CMI is a big help in networking."
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