SEOUL, South Korea – Home to the well-known Kimpo International Youth Orchestra and recognized for its award-winning architectural design, GoChon Church is also getting to be more widely known for its sound system. The design and install team with Hebsiba Multimedia chose Outlinearrays and H.A.R.D. monitors for the job.
The church, built in 2009, was designed to function as a performing arts center as well. Hebsiba Multimedia, Outline's distributor, was tasked with providing for some natural reverberation – but not too much.
"It was really difficult to satisfy the pastor's expectations, because he wanted truly high-end sound reproduction," noted Sung Hwan Oh, Hebsiba Multimedia CEO. The customer knew about Outline's Butterfly speaker system through exhibitions in Korea and, after hearing the Butterfly sound, wanted it for GoChon church, he added.
"I'm very satisfied with the system," said GoChon church's head pastor, crediting it for "ultra-clean clarity."
The main left and right hangs have 12 Line arrays elements in two sections which were 12 Butterfly C.D.H. 483 Hi-Pack and four C.D.L 1815 Lo-Pack cabinets. The rig is powered by Outline T7 amplifiers and processed by Outline Genius 26 DSP.
Front-fill enclosures are Outline DVS 10 and under-balcony speakers Outline IC6T. Stage monitors are Outline H.A.R.D. 45 SP, H.A.R.D. 115 SP and more Outline DVS 10 are used as choir monitors.
The FOH console is a Yamaha M7CL 48.
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