ROME – The Fiorello Show, an Italian variety show hosted by Rosario Fiorello, combines music and comedy sketches with audience interaction. The monitor engineer, Enrico Belli, and the nine-member house band, rely upon an Aviom Pro16 personal mixing system supplied by Aviom's distributor in Italy, Sisme spa.
"I am impressed with the versatility and stability of the Aviom Pro16 equipment," Belli said. " I love the sound and the ease with which I am able to set up the system. Since the musical format varies with each sketch, the nine A-16II Personal Mixers provide the musicians with the flexibility to adapt their monitor mix to each musical genre."
The dual Aviom A16-D Pro A-Net Distributors, which feed the band's nine A-16II Personal Mixers, receive signals from two D-16c A-Net cards installed in the mixing console, a Digico D5. Belli sends a stereo aux split to provide musicians with an overall mix, along with each individual instrument section to the appropriate musicians so they are able to make a more customized mix.
In addition to the changing musical formats, Belli needs to maintain an audio system that is set up on a mobile stage where the band performs. Since the Aviom system is easily connected through Cat-5 cables, Belli is able to reduce the number of wires that run behind the mobile stage's screens and props to the A-16II Personal Mixers.
"By using just two Cat-5 cables, I am able make a quick repair if something on stage comes unplugged," says Belli. "With live TV you don't get a second chance, so the Aviom system helps to ensure that even if something does happen, the band can still give a stellar performance."
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