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Di-rect’s “Tommy” Tours with DiGiCo’s SD8

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The Netherlands — DiGiCo’s latest console, the SD8, is touring the Netherlands with a version of The Who’s rock opera, Tommy, being performed by a Dutch four-piece band called Di-rect and supported by soundco The Purple Group. Pictured here, L-R, is Di-rect lead singer Tim Akkerman and David Hol, FOH engineer.

Although productions like Mamma Mia and We Will Rock You have become common enough a genre to have its own slightly pejorative name — jukebox theatre, combining theatre with live rock ’n’ roll remains a challenge. But it’s one that Di-rect has risen to, and the effort is paying off with stronger-than-expected demand in the band’s homeland.

The Purple Group, part of the Synco Network, recently purchased DiGiCo SD8 gear, and is using it at FOH on DiGiCo’s standard stage rack with 48 inputs and 16 outputs.

With the addition of an RME MADI interface, the show is recorded each night to a laptop, enabling the crew to soundcheck in each new venue without the band needing to be present.

“That is a really great facility,” said the Purple Group’s Robert de Loey. “It makes soundchecking so much easier and quicker, because we can do it whenever it’s convenient. We don’t have to wait for the band and it frees up more time for them as well.”

The Purple Group also credited the console for reliability, sound quality and its array of facilities.

“The SD8 is working really well,” said de Loey. “The show is running great, the sound is great, the desk is great. Everything that we hoped for is there in the desk — we are so happy with it that we are already looking to purchase a second one.

“Other Dutch acts are also looking to use the SD8 on their shows, so I don’t think it will get any rest for many months to come,” de Loey concluded.

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