MONTREAL, CANADA — Created and directed by Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon, Cirque du Soleil's Delirium is a mixture of theatre, music, dance and multimedia that uses a 136-foot wide, 80-foot high stage that bisects the arena, dividing the audience into two halves, one on either side. The sound system created by audio designer Yves Savoie was conceived as dual, opposing setups to cover both sides of the stage, using a total of 96 Meyer Sound MICA curvilinear array loudspeakers. Each side sports three towers of 16 MICA cabinets, along with two columns of five 700-HP subwoofers. Six M1D curvilinear array loudspeakers per side act as frontfill for the first few rows of floor seating, with a handful of CQ-1 wide coverage main loudspeakers added to fill in some front corners.
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