Yes, it is time to get back up on the soapbox and address the critics — in this case, the critics of FOH magazine and, especially, yours truly. From time-to-time we receive comments that FOH is not technical enough and doesn’t expose the readers to rigorous acoustical theories. Now I am all for rigorous acoustical theory, but I am in the upper five percentile of readers who actually understand what is being said and the incremental benefits of the theory being proffered. So I think I will leave those kinds of physics papers for the Audio Engineering Society (AES) transcripts and those other magazines that need to publish high-brow treatises to show editorial gravitas. BTW, our last reader survey found that just 10% of readers found FOH “not technical enough,” and nearly half that number said it was “too technical,” The majority (86%) placed us in the “just right” range.
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