Opening Band Blues
Consider it the equivalent of hazing before getting into the fraternity of Front of House engineers–you're working with an opening band, and as you step up to mix a show, the main act's muckety-muck reaches over and turns down the entire P.A.
Welcome to the big time. Everything you'd hoped for, huh?
That situation has played itself out over decades of FOH history and new engineers accepted it both as a right of passage and brutal reality. The good news, according to Seether FOH mixer Howard Worthen, is that those days may be passing. "I've gotten the shaft pretty hard as far as them cutting me on volume and stuff. You don't see that a lot any more, and I think that comes from guys like me who started in the '80s going through that whole scenario," he says. "I know my point of view is that I've been through that and I would never do that to another person.
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