You Can't Get [It] There From Here… Or Can You?
You can tell what part of the pro audio industry is healthy and what part is struggling pretty easily just by keeping your ears open to conversations around you at the Audio Engineering Society show. Over the past few years the phrase heard with increasing frequency went something like, "It was, of course, designed for the studio, but we are seeing lots of them used live." This phrase gets me on a couple of levels. First, I am filled with gratitude that I do not own a recording studio, and second, depending on who says it, that phrase is either illustrative of the direction we are heading in the live event audio field, or it is total marketing BS. Example: Yamaha's DM 2000 mixers were designed as production mixers for recording and perhaps some smaller broadcast operations, and they were as surprised as anyone else when nearly half of the units sold ended up in the live arena. On the other hand, a several-thousand-dollar mic that ships in a shock-mounted titanium case with a bodyguard won't be on any stage I am working. Sorry, but I still ask, "What happens when it gets dropped?"
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