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Let the Band Rehearse BEFORE You Isolate the Drummer

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Surrounding the drummer in plexiglass is one sure way to tame the volume of acoustic drums while also putting a lid on overall stage volume. But if panels or baffles are the chosen solution, it’s important to give the band at least one rehearsal with the baffles in place, because both monitor and FOH mixes will need adjustment. I witnessed a band place plexi baffles in front of the drummer after a sound check, and the resulting changes to the stage sound were so profound that when they started their first song, they all had a look of panic on their faces — particularly the drummer. When the first song ended, they had the stage crew remove all of the baffles. Yikes. Better warn the musicians ahead of time.

From Steve La Cerra, “On the Digital Edge,” FRONT of HOUSE, March 2024, page 34