Waves’ Dugan Automixer plugin, developed with Dan Dugan, is a software version of Dugan Speech System Automatic Mixing Controllers. Available for any console, the Dugan Automixer is MultiRack SoundGrid and MultiRack Native-compatible and works on 32 or 64 channels.
More details from Waves Audio (www.waves.com):
Using Dugan’s proprietary voice-activated process, the Waves Dugan Automatic Mixing Controller plugin automatically controls the gains of multiple live microphones in real time while preventing feedback and excessive noise pickup. Maintaining the gain of one mic in the room even when multiple speakers are talking simultaneously, it makes perfectly matched transparent cross-fades.
Dugan notes, “People have been asking for a Dugan plugin for a long time. I’m very pleased be able to realize it with the premier publisher of plug-ins.”
Ideal for:
- Broadcast news panels and discussion programs
- Television talk shows and game shows
- Conference sound reinforcement and video trucks
- Dialog recording for film and television
- Multiple wireless mics on stage
- Houses of worship
- Boardrooms and civic meeting rooms
- Community television
- Teleconferencing
- Distance learning
The Dan Dugan Automixer is compatible only with MultiRack Native and MutiRack SoundGrid. It is not included in any Waves bundle; it is only available separately. The Dan Dugan Automixer will be available with a U.S. MSRP of Native $500 and SoundGrid $750.