Under its Creation Station brand, Sweetwater is offering MacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops with both Windows 7 and OS X Lion operating systems. Designed for audio engineers and musicians, the laptops combine light weight and portability with power, storage, and the ability to run Windows music/audio applications including SONAR, Cubase, Reason, Pro Tools, Live, Sound Forge and more.
Sweetwater’s System One, on an Apple Macbook Pro, is geared for optimum connectivity and expandability. This system offers USB and FireWire ports, expandable RAM, the ability to add a bigger hard drive, connectivity for an audio interface — whatever is needed, there’s a port that allows users to plug straight in with a Macbook Pro and get right to work with Windows applications.
Sweetwater’s System Two, based around the Apple Macbook Air, is geared for maximum portability. This computer weighs less than three pounds, yet it has all the power necessary to run Windows audio and music applications. (There are no moving parts in the Macbook Air.)
Both laptops, when purchased from Sweetwater for Windows use, arrive fully configured and ready to go right out of the box. Windows is pre-installed — when the user boots up, the computer launches right into Windows — and it also comes with a suite of productivity programs, including a digital track sheet, music and audio utilities and test files, a collection of test tones, applications for diagnostics and security. Users simply load their audio/music programs onto the laptop and they are ready to go.
System One and System Two laptops also come with Apple’s standard warranty, plus Sweetwater’s free technical support.
For more information, please visit www.sweetwater.com.