Rational Acoustics LLC’s Noise Stick, an acoustic test and and measurement product, does one thing: generate pink noise. It requires no batteries and no configuration. It does not even have a power switch. Users simply plug it into a phantom-powered microphone input, and it will generate pink noise. Unplug it, and it stops.
Built for Rational Acoustics by PMP Audio Works, its features include hand matched transistors, 1 percent tolerance resistors and a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) random number generator that provides a pseudorandom signal without any obvious, audible repeats.
The output of the Noise Stick's random number generator drives a hand tuned filter bank that delivers a pink spectrum that is nominally flat within +/- 0.5 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz on a fractional-octave analyzer. The housing for the Noise Stick is milled from a solid piece of aluminum rod and the entire unit is filled with epoxy after assembly to protect the electronics from shock and increase its crush strength.
For more information, please visit www.rationalacoustics.com.