Got Blues?
The major misconception about blues is that it is sad, simple music for the downtrodden masses.
Likewise, many FOH engineers toil under the misconception that mixing blues is "easy and simple"–perhaps even "boring"–as compared to doing sound work for artists in other genres.
Imagine having to mix 12 bands, of varying blues styles, for a scheduled 10-hour show, doing only a line check (blues fest schedules rarely allow for soundchecks), under a hot sun (or in inclement weather), without attracting the attention of or ticking off the local decibel police, and making sure the plug is pulled in time to meet the town curfew. And let us not forget–since a blues festival is a once-a-year event, there's no room for inadequacy. Event organizers are extra critical of the mix. In some cases, these events are integral to a town or city's tourist trade. If you can't achieve a good crisp, clear sound that doesn't offend the audience (which is normally composed of anyone from ages one to 90), or if too many festivalgoers are complaining that they "can't hear the vocals," chances are you won't be invited back. Now that's pressure.
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