AES 2005
As Bill was getting ready and packing his bags to go to NYC for the AES show, he got a phone call from the owner of a regional sound company. Bill thought he remembered the owner saying he was going to AES at least for a day and asked, "Am I on crack or did you say you were going to AES?" The answer came, "No, I said I was going to LDI." Interesting choice. And once we hit the show floor, a few companies–big names in live event audio but with little to zero studio cachet–were conspicuous in their absence. Most notable among these were the Telex family (EV, Midas, KT) and the Peavey/Crest machine. There had also been a notice on the AES Web site some months ago that there would be a live audio pavilion set up on the show floor with hands-on training and demos, but–unless we just failed to notice it on any of the 2,367 times we walked the show floor–it wasn't there. There was a pavilion sponsored by Future Publishing and Line 6 that was a kinda cool "hang out and play guitar" sort of place, but there was no promised live audio area.
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