Apropos of nothing in particular, it's time to discuss insurance. I put it that way because, like death and taxes, insurance is neither seasonal nor optional. Like the mythical Miller Time, insurance is timeless.
That's trying to put a handle on a topic that is, to most people, about as tedious as watching paint dry. Unfortunately, it's also a lot more complex (except down at the molecular level, but only for chemists). FOH mixers present a challenge to the insurance industry. First, what you do is seemingly obvious but has a lot of nuance: many mixers will toggle between subcontractor and independent status, with stints of out-and-out employment along the way, collecting both W-2 and 1099 forms in a single year. In insurance, as in life, when in doubt, always base decisions on the broadest indicators. For FOH mixers, that means carrying your own equipment and liability policies.
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