The band had just finished a 7:00 p.m. setup and sound check at a really cool club in Texas. It's a large stage with huge P.A. system, monitors, stands, mics, sound guy, etc. Most of the band took off to get a little rest before the gig while the guitar player stayed back to watch their equipment and warm-up.
So picture this: The amps are off. The place is starting to get a few people. He's in the dark back corner of the club strumming away, making no sound. Suddenly, everyone hears very loud guitar tuning over the canned house music . Everyone starts glaring at him. He throws his hands in the air in a vain attempt to show that it's not him — too late; the tuning stopped.
The house sound tech approaches and says, "Dude, you don't need to be playing right now, otherwise this will be the last night you play here!" We try to explain the situation and it starts happening again. He quickly runs off to the house console.
No sooner does he leave, than the club GM/bouncer runs up and threatens to kick his butt (and he easily could) if he doesn't quit disturbing the customers. Once again, we explain that it's not him. I pointed to the amps on stage, which were all off. Fortunately, it happens again with him standing there. Now he gets puzzled, and thinks we're trying to play a joke on him — he gets even more ticked-off.
The house tech runs back up while this mystery player keeps tuning his guitar over the music. I ask him a simple question, "Do you guys have a wireless system back there?" "No," he replies. He jokingly asks, "Do you guys have ghosts in your amps?" Now the "ghost" is in full tuning mode. Customers are threatening to leave.
Everyone is running around like crazy — still blaming us and threatening to kick butt! I take everyone on stage and explain: One, the guitar amps are off! Two, the "ghost" isn't heard in the stage monitors! And finally, IT'S ONLY IN THE MAIN P.A.! Then I ask again, "Are you guys running a wireless mic or something?" And I add, "Do bands play next door?" Light bulbs, followed by a heavenly chorus. Never admitting to any wireless equipment, they sent somebody to the pool hall next door. Sure enough, next door had a guy playing a wireless on his guitar. Unknown to the house tech that I'm dealing with, a guitar wireless will talk through their wireless DJ mic. They didn't understand the two systems could talk to one another.
I felt like screaming; however, the problem was solved with a quick channel change on their wireless DJ mic. No blood was shed.
Ken Chappell