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Calling All Desk Jockeys!

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Okay… Who is going to take the first step? Well, I guess it will be me. No, that is not true. It was actually Clive Forrester of All Access Staging and Productions who took the first step around four years ago. Clive took the first step towards better health by buying a Tread Desk. What is a Tread Desk? A Tread Desk is a combination desk and treadmill that enables you to keep your body in motion during the workday instead of being slouched over your desk for eight or more hours a day.


Those of you who are out on the road doing shows every day do not have to worry about keeping your body in motion. The workday does this for you. However, many of us who are not consistently out in the field know all too well the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. What you have are endless weeks, months and years where your main physical activity is clicking a mouse. Your periodic trip to the break room to grab a cup of coffee doesn’t count for exercise — sorry.

The results of this lifestyle are not pretty.  Lower back pain, an ever-increasing belt size and lack of stamina are all symptomatic of being at a desk the majority of your workday.

FOH publisher Terry Lowe's new Tread Desk has helped him log more than 50 miles of walking a week.Stand Up for Your Health

Sometimes, you just have to take the bull by the horns and say, “Hey, I am not going to take this lying down.” (Or sitting down, as the case maybe.) You need to stand up for your health, and that is exactly what Clive and I have done.

I have had my Tread Desk now for a three weeks, and I must say, it is truly invigorating. I have much more energy and find myself getting to work earlier because I look forward to being on the treadmill. While the results are just starting to happen, I can tell this is a game-changer for me. Plus, I really enjoy making those in the office pool pay the price for betting I wouldn’t use it!

I was so excited about this I even went out and got a Tread Desk for our national sales manager, Greg Gallardo. So Greg and I have a little inter-office rivalry going to see who can do the most miles each day. Last week I did 52 miles (total miles, that is, on and off the Tread Desk.)

Let’s face facts… those 8 to10 hours days at a desk can be a killer. To be able to get your work done and keep your body in motion is a real godsend. It isn’t like your are working out. I keep my speed at 2.4 miles per hour. It is not super fast, but after an hour, you will know you have been walking. So take a step in the right direction and make a great investment in your health. A Tread Desk could just be the thing you are looking for.

For more information on Tread Desk, go to