The Aerosmith Crew of Jim Ebdon, Tony Luna and Brad Johnson Were Settling in For a Long Stretch of Touring Work Until a Stage Tumble Put It all On Hold
OK, to start off, we are trying something new here and if it works out this will likely become SOP. The interview with the Aeroesmith team was done, not just with an audio recording, but on video. We ran just a few excerpts in the print version of FOH and have taken the video and split it into four more easy to digest pieces. Make sure we know when your show is coming through town and maybe we can make you an FOH-TV star, too.
Video #1
Aerosmith Team: Video 1
Video #2
Aerosmith: Monitor World
Video #3
Aerosmith: Welcome to Brad's World
Video #4
Aerosmith Team: Old School Values In a Brave New World