One late night as I was channel surfing through myriad old movies, series reruns and infomercials, I stumbled upon Stanley Kubrick’s 1999 last film Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. As a Kubrick fan, I saw the movie when it first came out, but I remembered leaving the theater less than impressed and a bit confused in regard to the plot. Realizing that sleep was beyond my grasp and wanting to see if a 15-year time span would endow me with more insight,
I watched it again. What I took away from it after my second viewing is that the film is a cautionary tale about the hazards of sharing one’s fantasies with their mate; the moral being that it would be best for any given marriage if both parties involved approached the relationship with “Eyes Wide Shut.” Other than a feeling of ominous foreboding, which seems to permeate most Kubrick films, this movie left me emotionally unfulfilled and intellectually unsatisfied. As a result, I turned to the last word in mystery solving — the Internet.
The first site I opened, in regard to the film, mentioned very little about the protagonist couple and their problems, but rather centered on how Kubrick was warning the world about the Illuminati and their satanic, occult sexual rituals. Reading this analysis of the film led me to clicking on a link, which then directed me to a site about the MK Ultra, Monarch Mind Control project, a CIA program that continued the work done by the infamous Nazi Josef Mengele. The article states that the Monarch program is a brainchild of the CIA and Illuminati elite to make slaves of ordinary people so that they can be used to carry out a wide degree of nefarious projects. Some notable alumni of the MK Ultra club is said to include such Manchurian Candidates as Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, Charles Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh and Tim McVeigh. Well, as one would have it, one site leads to the other, and the next thing I’m reading about is the Monarch Kitten program in which the wicked handlers make slaves of leading pop stars dating back to Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and right on through to Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Bruno Mars.
Ahh, Such Sweet Conspiracies
I like a good conspiracy theory as well as the next guy, inasmuch as it gives a way to make sense out of events that don’t seem to add up. However, when bouncing site-to-site on the Internet, one needs to be aware that many of these theories are propagated by religious and political groups with their own hidden agendas. That said, my odyssey in search of answers to one Stanley Kubrick film was almost as strange as the motion picture itself. Sites I visited included such sinister content as deprogrammed Monarch, Presidential model Cathy O’Brien spilling the beans and naming names, every UFO cover-up starting with Roswell right on down the line to 911, the New World Order and the Anunnaki/Sumerian connection.
It’s all very fascinating stuff and is just as entertaining as watching an episode of the HBO series Shameless, but the conspiracies that intrigue me the most is how The History Channel can ruminate about the plausibility of ancient aliens and still use the moniker “The History Channel,” while offering no historically corroborated evidence to verify their claims. Maybe the real clandestine plot is to make us all believe in conspiracy theories and speculative accounts of the past by brainwashing us with hypothetical history.
Anyway, it’s fairly easy to get off track while surfing the web for conspiracy theories, considering the plethora of plots that have been hatched and thrust upon an unsuspecting public. Despite the frantic warnings from the conspiracy theorists and whistle blowers, it appears that we have very little time — if any time at all — to counter the evil that is being surreptitiously programmed into our daily lives. While it’s interesting to review and analyze each and every plot, it appears to me that all plots and theories lead back to a few central themes. Nazi’s, the New World Order, CIA, Illuminati (Masons) and aliens, though not necessarily in this order and most likely synthesizing down to just one operative — the New World Order run by aliens and Illuminati. Everything else — such as mind control — is just a subcategory of the former.
Just as I was getting overwhelmed with the “things are not what they appear to be” mindset, I stumbled upon something that aroused my curiosity in a practical sense. As it is with most conspiracy theories, the information that one has at their disposal — to use against the shadowy cabal of wickedness — is never enough to resolve the matter at hand, and despite their tenacity, the theorist is always left in a suspended state of uncertain awareness. Therefore, it might be understandable why it was so innervating to read about audio weapons.
Oh Yeah, The Audio Angle
A few years back, I wrote about sonic cannons in regard to battling Somali pirates. That was a few years ago and, since then, it appears the technology has become more sophisticated, just as the shadowy forces who develop these “non-lethal weapons” gain a better understanding of the havoc that can be harnessed with ELF’s (extremely low frequencies), RF and microwaves. Actually, ELF technology has been around for quite some time. Due to the long-range capability of these frequencies and their ease of traveling through saltwater, they have been used by the U.S., Russia and India to communicate with submarines around the world. These frequencies are classified as between 1 Hz to 20 Hz — starting where the low-end of a 31-band graphic EQ ends.
It’s important to note that audio frequencies differ from radio waves and microwaves in as much as audio waves are not part of the electromagnetic spectrum and cannot travel in a vacuum — e.g., outer space. On the other hand, radio waves can travel in a vacuum and can also traverse great distances at the speed of light. Therefore sound, which travels at 1,126 feet per second at about 68 degrees Fahrenheit, can be transmitted by RF at the speed of light. A good thing to note is that not all radio frequencies are equal, and some have the capability to travel through obstructions and at greater distances and than others. Apparently, this is one of the reasons the FCC took the 700 bandwidth (698-806 MHz) out of the hands of music professionals.
The LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) cannon, other than being used to fight Somali pirates) has been employed as a means of crowd control for Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York City as well as crowd control in Ferguson, Missouri. The LRAD cannon is said to be capable of emitting a 30-degree beam at 2.5 kHz and it is designed to give a targeted person a headache at about 1,000 feet. At a third of that distance it would be extremely painful for anyone in its path and could even cause permanent hearing damage. Then again, it seems obvious that 2.5 kHz would be detrimental at high volumes. If I wanted to clear a room quickly, it would be my go-to frequency. The only thing about these sound cannons is that the effect can be drastically minimized or even negated altogether by using earplugs or sticking fingers in your ears, thus the need for other technologies. During my web surfing adventure, I have read that particular ELF frequencies, when properly amplified, can deliver an energy bolt that is felt viscerally, thereby causing nausea, heart palpations and diarrhea, and even liquefying internal organs when sufficiently amplified.
During the first Gulf War, it is purported that the Iraqi army gave up because members of the US 101st Airborne Division beamed a voice directly into the Iraqi soldier’s heads that said “Give up.” Sounds too easy to be true, but apparently there are other technologies at work that employ ELF’s, microwaves and super computers that make beaming thoughts directly into another person’s head a reality. Electroencephalograph (EEG) machines can map the electrical activity of the brain and is used for medical reasons, but a lot has happened since the advent of the EEG. Apparently, existing technology offers the capability to read the small electric pulses given off by the brain’s individual emotions.
Coupled with the computer, ELF’s and microwaves, these electric pulses can be cloned and sent to a selected individual to make them feel fear, sorrow, happiness and any other emotion the brain might conceive. Apparently, audio signal can be attached to these electronic pulses and one can speak directly into another person’s brain. At 120 dB, ELF frequencies between 1 Hz and 10 Hz can actually be felt as a blunt object striking the body. It is said that each part of the human body has a resonant ELF frequency; therefore, the same frequency directed at said object at a high enough SPL could actually blow it up — much like a crystal glass shattering when a high resonant tone is sung at a loud volume.
It sounds incredible, but then again, today’s secret weapons are tomorrow’s tools and it won’t be long before we are beaming monitor mixes directly into musician’s heads or delivering a low-end punch like never before. Maybe we can do away with the performances altogether and just excite the pleasure center of the audience’s brains. If there is a musical performance and a critic shows up to write about it we can beam a positive message to his brain so that a glowing review is given. Of course if that doesn’t work, we can just send an ELF at a certain frequency and give them a heart attack or blow up their head. Yup, there’s a conspiracy going on, and if we’re smart, we as audio engineers stand to benefit from it. As long as we can rid ourselves of that damn 60 cycle hum and clear each room of resonant frequencies that might cause a standing wave, we will be at the forefront of the New World Order and rule the world with the alien serpent shape shifters. By the way, I’m still not sure what “Eyes Wide Shut” is about, but don’t laugh, I can hear you.