FRONT of HOUSE Checks In with the PMs Running the Top Tours of 2016*
The job of the production manager is to get the show on the road, then keep it running like a smooth, well-oiled machine. As the commander of the team of technicians, riggers, wardrobe and caterers, this person is the problem solver.
The production manager keeps a show running on a budget, cutting deals with the vendors, which includes deciding what size set will fit in the booked venues, how many line arrays and lights they can afford and the quality of the P.A. systems and video walls. Bidding for tour services can be a cutthroat business and many PMs have preferred vendors that get the last shot at handing in a final bid.
PMs may hire many of the same crew for every tour. Like a sports coach, they want to surround themselves with players that do a good job. PMs have certain FOH mixers, LDs and stage managers they like to use, because they have had successful runs with them on other tours.
Meanwhile, there are a thousand little things PM’s do that impact the show, keeping an eye on things in the venue that day, while advancing the next gigs on the phone. Show calls, local union bills, dressing rooms, making sure the stage is set for sound check, opening doors for the crowd…the list is endless, but always looking after the artist’s interests, the PM figures out a way to make everything mesh together. If the PM says the show must go on, it goes on.
We’d like to introduce you to some of the top production managers on the road today — a select group that lead our touring world. There are many others that are due recognition, but last year’s 10 biggest grossing tours were staffed by this bunch of pros.
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For more tour production manager profiles, check out Nook’s feature story in the March 2017 issue of PLSN Magazine, page 46
*As ranked by Pollstar