You’ve seen it before, but probably never noticed it: Four words, right under the FOH logo on the cover of every issue of FRONT of HOUSE, that read “News • Production • Installations • Gear” and we work almost 24/7 to present relevant information to pros in the live sound reinforcement industry.
Beyond the print magazines, this happens in many forms: Daily updates on our website; our weekly e-mail newsletter (also viewable at; downloadable or web-readable Digital Editions, with the current issue and 10+ years of archived copies at It’s all available free, anytime — with none of those all-too-common Internet paywall tricks, such as asking for money to access a site or kicking you out after reading a few paragraphs because you exceeded your monthly “article limit.”
And if you need a personal subscription (print or digital), those are also available — free to industry pros — at
The “You” Part
Of course, we have plenty of sources for content, but you can get involved by sharing news and updates about your company, just like the corporate giants do. You don’t need a fancy public relations firm to send out a press release. Essentially, these are news items that are typically 200 to 700 words, accompanied by a photo or two (3 to 5 MB jpegs will usually do) with details about your new product releases, installations, recent gigs, staff hirings / promotions, company expansion, etc.
We’re here to help spread the word, and even have a direct contact link at, which makes it easy to send submit your news items. And we’re also always looking for regional and local sound gigs to spotlight in our “Showtime” section; see the form at
Hope to see you here!