Once upon a time, audio pros planned for future needs via the concept of short-loaded consoles. If buyers couldn’t afford a 32- or 48-input mixer (back in the day when such desks were sufficient for most gigs), they could order a larger frame — with say, 16, 24 or 28 input channels — and fill the remaining space with blank module strips. This allowed for future expansion (ordering more channel strips as budgets allowed), while enabling simple repairs — even in the field — by swapping out a problematic channel with a spare module.
Those days have passed us by. Today, multi-layer digital consoles are typically unencumbered by the “1 fader = 1 channel” constraint, and can often be upgraded through software, firmware or other means, as long as ample DSP resources (internal or external) are sufficient for the new workload. If your console needs more plug-ins, inputs, outputs, buses or auxiliaries, the remedy may be no farther than an upgrade away. Likewise, if you require more physical controls, accessory fader packs, sidecars or updating to a larger control surface may do the trick.
Offering an edge towards “future-proofing” customer investments is smart business. For example, DiGiCo’s “Pulse” software extension for its Quantum 225 desks ups channels from 72 to 96 and aux / sub groups from 36 to 48 and the Quantum 338 goes from 128 to 156 channels and 64 to 72 aux / subs. DiGiCo is hardly alone in this regard, and a little sleuthing on the exhibit floor at this month’s InfoComm Show may uncover a little magic and some welcome surprises for console owners on nearly every platform. Happy hunting!
Got a comment? Send George an email to george@fohonline.com