One of the major advancements in live sound has been in-ear listening/monitoring systems, which have made a significant impact in the way concerts are presented. A rock-solid wireless transmitter combined with beltpack IEM receivers and accurate earpieces can significantly improve nearly any show or presentation. Not only can performers hear themselves far better than stage wedge mixes, IEM use results in lowered stage volume. With a great IEM mix, the FOH engineer’s task becomes simpler, audience get better sound and artists are happy — a definite example of a win-win-win-situation.
With that in mind, we decided to look at some current offerings in top-end custom ear-pieces for pro monitoring applications. Although we focused mainly on top-of the line models, which all require impressions of each user’s ears, most companies also offer less expensive options (including many in universal, non-custom versions) and URLs are provided should you require more information.
To download a PDF of the FRONT of HOUSE Nov. 2017 Buyers Guide, CLICK HERE