DUBROVNIK, Croatia – Tehnozavod-Marusic d.o.o. designed and installed the AV system for the Visia Dubrovnik 5D Theatrum (VD5T), relying on Symetrix SymNet 8×8 DSP to handle routing logic and audio processing for its 3D Cinema, the Show Room and the World Network Room.
The AV presentations chronicle the rich and turbulent history of Dubrovnik. Along with 3D visuals, vibrating seats and wind effects, the VD5T can also deliver multiple languages simultaneously.
Mario Srbis, head of the AV department at Tehnozavod-Marusic, led the effort to make VD5T a multi-sensory experience, with effects a water projection screen, the 3D digital cinema projection system and a fog machine. Srbis and colleague Petar Klicov had only two months to install, program, and tweak the system before VD5T opened to the public.
"The reliable hardware and intuitive programming software of Symetrix' SymNet and SymNet Designer were indispensable. It really helped us finish this job on time," said Srbis. In all, three rooms required A/V systems. The first, a modest "World Network" room, needed only Internet infrastructure and a modest in-ceiling audio system. The 3D Cinema and the Show Room were considerably more involved. In the off-season, the 3D Cinema serves as Dubrovnik's only theater of its kind.
"The sound in Cinema room is exceptionally clear, with even coverage from the front row to the back, from the left to the right," said Srbis. A great deal of effort was involved in calibrating the sound system, aligning speakers, setting delays to achieve the best possible frequency response at each of the room's 104 seats.
The SymNet 8×8 DSP, with a SymNet BreakIn12 and a BreakOut12 to augment the input and output counts, proved well-suited for the job, Srbis added. "SymNet gave us the flexibility and the horsepower to handle the 5.1 playback system, together with the multiple language outputs, and to permit several input sources for greater flexibility of the space."
KCS cinema speakers powered by Ecler amplifiers are designed to provide life-like imaging and authentic sound. In combination with two KCS C-218-A subwoofers, vibration chairs add to the realism of the presentations or, in the off-season, studio movies.
Srbis and Klicov modified Euroseating chairs with Clark Synthesis tactile speakers tweaked by SymNet processing. The "chair" output feeds a DAS Audio processor to add delay to each of the 10 rows such that the entire low-end system, including the subwoofers, is time aligned and consonant. Tri-amped KCS-7802 full-range boxes deliver the rest of the audio spectrum.
Srbis gave the VD5T the ability to play nine or 10 languages simultaneously. The main show in the cinema room, "Time Machine," was produced with stems for music and sound effects that are separate from the voice-over narration. The former send to the 5.1 system and the latter send to a Bosch Integrus infrared wireless system.
Visitors select their preferred language and then listen through Sennheiser headphones. To avoid a jarring disconnect between the music and sound effects, which clearly emanate from outside the listener's head, and the narration, Srbis and Klicov recorded the narration using a Bruel & Kjaer Head and Torso Simulator. The resulting sonic imprint "externalizes" the narration when the users wear headphones and makes the presentations at VD5T aurally seamless.
The Show Room system is similar to that of the Cinema Room, most notably employing the same separation of narration from everything else. DAS Audio Avant active loudspeakers deliver the music and sound effects, and a SymNet Express 4×12 Cobra DSP provides all of the requisite input processing, routing logic, and output processing.
Srbis used an AudioScience ASI6316 CobraNet soundcard to inexpensively extend the Show Room's output count. Stardraw and AVIT touchscreens provide control, via the SymNet DSPs, of the entire system. Most importantly, operators can shift from multi-lingual to mono-lingual mode or from museum mode to standard-cinema mode at the touch of a button.
For more information, please visit www.symetrix.co.