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Riedel RockNet Helps with French Bastille Day Celebration

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PARIS — BS Technology used a Riedel RockNet digital audio network for this year’s July 14 Bastille Day celebration. Apex, Riedel Communications’ partner in France, Belgium and Luxembourg, delivered the RockNet gear.
For the part of the celebration that includes a military parade on the Champs-Elysées with brass marching bands from the French military, more than 100,000 spectators joined this year’s festivities. A Riedel RockNet installation distributed the audio signals for the event.

The digital RockNet network provided the analog in- and outputs over RN.301.MI and RN.302.LO modules. The redundant ring topology over CAT-5 helped secure the network against single points of failure.

To bridge the distance between the various RockNet modules RockNet RN RN.351.FI und RN.352.FO fiber connectors provided the connection for a fiber link, with 1.6 kilometers of fiber optic cable put to use. All signals were mixed over Digico SD7, two Digico SD8 and a Yamaha PM5000 mixing consoles and output to 200 speakers along the Champs-Elysées.

“RockNet works great,” said Christophe Labonde of BS Technology. “The opportunity to provide signal transport over long distances without loss of audio quality is an advantage that no other solution can provide. The reliability of RockNet and its high quality converters were also reasons why we chose Riedel’s digital audio network solution for this event.”

A Riedel Performer Digital Partyline intercom installation also provided the communications infrastructure for the BS Technology team.

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