Owner Operator
T.S. Productions
Lakewood, Calif.
Services: Full Productions, Audio, Video & lighting and stage set design.
Clients: Corporate & Special Events: Queen Mary, Club Vodka, Kaiser, INA/Amway,Essence Ent. Normandie Casino & lots of promoters….
Quote: “Do it right or don’t do it at all.”
Personal Info: In high school, I was playing guitar in bands and did the club thing, but I knew I needed a backup plan. So I got my degree in audiovisual productions. At 21 I got my first job as a AV rental guy. By 23 I started my own company. By 26 I quit my job and been doing AV even since, 18 years now. I first thought since I was in bands and knew lots of other bands I figured thats what I would be doing—live sound for bands, but there is no money with bands, so corporate is where I went. I figured if I can mix six bands a night at FOH and 5 monitor mix with no sound check, then six talking heads on stage is a walk in the park. My goal is keeping my clients happy and making sure AV is not somthing to worry about.
Hobbies: Travel, playing guitar now… and looking for more gigs…
Equipment: Yamaha, Midas and Allen & Heath mixers, EAW, EV, NEXO speakers, MAC Intelligent Lighting
Don’t leave home without: Cell Phone, Laptop & cans…