KUNGSBACKA, Sweden —Lab.gruppen named Ulf Larson as its next CEO, effective July 1. The time frame allows for a handover period from the company’s current CEO, Tomas Lilja, who spent nine years at the helm of Lab.gruppen.
“Ulf has many years of experience in senior management at Lab.gruppen,” noted Anders Fauerskov, chairman of the board and CEO of Lab.gruppen’s parent company, TC Group. “Most importantly, as far as the company’s development is concerned, Larson has been heading up the business units developing the PLM Series Powered Loudspeaker Management systems and the new Lake LM 26 digital audio processor.”
“After nine years as CEO of Lab.gruppen, I now have decided to take on a new challenge in the software industry,” said Lilja. “ It hasn’t been an easy choice, but leading Lab.gruppen through several growth phases and the fact that many goals and visions have been accomplished and fulfilled have made me to desire to take on the new challenges of developing a smaller but potentially successful company once again. The difficult part of my decision is that I will miss my staff, customers and friends within the industry.”
“I am honored by this appointment and am excited by the challenge of taking the company forward as we continue to expand sales in core and newly targeted markets,” Larson said. “Since joining Lab.gruppen it has been a pleasure to contribute to the company’s growth and progress, and I look forward to managing our future success.”
For more information, please visit www.labgruppen.com.