FOH Engineer
Urban Guerrilla Engineers
Chicago, IL
Services Provided: FOH/live recording.
Clients: Dennis DeYoung (Styx), currently FOH for the Stevie Wonder’s 2008 “A Wonder Summer's Night” U.S. tour, upcoming FOH for Stevie's European and Australian tours.
Quote: "Painting pictures with sound."
Personal Info: Forty years in the business, 20 in recording studios, expert at integrating orchestras with high volume rhythm sections (Rock and R&B).
Hobbies: History, science fiction, aviation, books.
Equipment: Midas Heritage 3000 (two of them on the Stevie Wonder tour).
Don’t leave home without: “My Massenburg GML 8200 Parametric EQ, SPL Transient Designer and Cranesong STC8 Compressor.”