Alcons announced that its first Digital Drive Processors are now leaving the factory. The DDP is an exchangeable signal-processing device, designed to complement the Alcons Amplified Loudspeaker Controllers. The device offers speaker-specific processing and controlling options, enabling the ALC to drive all Alcons pro-ribbon speaker systems in any configuration for any application.
Placing the “2-in / 2-out” DDP in the front of the ALC converts the ALC from a “standard” stereo power-amp into a dedicated amplified loudspeaker controller. Due to the modular concept, Alcons users now have a choice between fixed analog and variable digital system processing.
The design is based on a 96kHz. sample rate Delta-Sigma conversion with 27-bit (stacked) word length and fixed-point internal processing, driven by a powerful 56 bit, 120 mips DSP engine. The System Drive section of the DDP™ provides system controlling and optimizing, with presets for all available Alcons systems and system configurations.
The complete system status can be seen with a single view on the DDP “home-page” on the large 128×64 dots backlit LCD display. Firmware updates are performed via the side-located USB port; dedicated boot-loader software makes the firmware updates Internet-downloadable.
DDP features include:
General functions: complete Alcons systems library, input signal routing, 4-band parametric eq, delay up to 294ms, 99 user-programmable and nameable presets, preset recall/compare function, a.o.
Intelligent Driver Guidance IDG™ processing: optimized power response through “True-RMS” intelligent power and (separate) excursion limiting guidance.
Von Helsing’s Filterslope Architecture: crossover filtering is done with hybrid Bessel, Butterworth or Linkwitz Riley responses, enabling optimal speaker matching.
CSQ Constant & Symmetrical Q algorithm offers complete filter integrity for the on-board parametric equalising.
LimitLog provides real-time signal logging on signal present and dB limiting of the selected system, over the past 7.000 operating hours.
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