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A Revolution of Sound and Spirit

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As most people will acknowledge, we live in challenging times– fraught with obstacles that can cause even the most steadfast among us to stumble. In its ongoing effort to help today's youth "face and defeat the everyday 'giants' they encounter," Christian organization Dare 2 Share, in association with Focus on the Family, is sponsoring the Revolution tour–a 10-city circuit spanning the continental U.S. that includes motivational speakers, skits and musical performances by artists Danny Oertli and Starfield. Each stop in Dare 2 Share's Revolution youth conference tour is a two-day event that culminates with a Saturday evening concert. The program's theme is based on the story of David, who, after defeating Goliath, started a revolution and changed the course of history–with the message being that teens, too, can overcome their giants and make positive changes. For Legacy Sound Productions, a regional sound company based in Castle Rock, Colo., that's contracted to provide sound reinforcement and lighting for the tour, the project required a sound system capable of handling a diverse range of program material.

At each tour stop, the program kicks off Friday evening with a set by Danny Oertli and his band, which is then followed by featured speaker Greg Stier, the president and founder of Dare 2 Share. Following Stier's appearance, which encompasses a number of skits and humorous moments that does wonders for drawing his teen audience into the spirit of the event, the stage is changed over for a full production drama about the spiritual journey of a teenager.

The program continues Saturday morning, opening once again with Danny Oertli, followed by teaching sessions conducted by Stier, Focus on the Family's Jose Zayas and Dare 2 Share's Karl Wheeler. Saturday afternoon is the outreach portion of the program, where students canvas surrounding communities to collect canned goods for the local rescue mission. During this period, the Legacy Sound tech team turns over the Danny Oertli setup and prepares for the Saturday night concert by the band Starfield.

Sound Considerations

According to Jesse Ralph, owner/operator of Legacy Sound, "Configuring a system that was capable of delivering a high level of intelligibility for the teachers and actors while also being able handle the sound pressure levels characteristic of a rock concert was no small challenge. Dare 2 Share's program is very diverse and we needed to assemble a system that was adept at a number of very different applications."

After a protracted search, Legacy Sound selected a system that revolves around 20 D.A.S. Audio Aero 38A self-powered line array elements flown 10 boxes per side that augmented by 10 Meyer Sound 650-P subwoofers, placed five units each in a 2+2+1 configuration at stage left and right in alignment with the flown line arrays. Power for the subwoofers is provided by six Crest Pro 9200 amplifiers–three units per side.

Reflecting on his choice of components, Ralph commented, "I spent almost a year looking at systems, and while price was important, I was really looking for a system that worked well for rock 'n' roll, as we do quite a bit of this type of work. We've begun doing more and more arena jobs, so I wanted a good-sized enclosure, but didn't want a four-man box. The 38A sounds terrific at both low and high levels, and the directivity is extremely well-focused. When we're really crankin', the box doesn't hurt. Its intelligibility and clarity is everything I had hoped for."

Legacy Sound is a one-truck operation, so all equipment, including lights, sound and video has to fit into a single vehicle. "With the Aero 38A," notes Ralph, "I'm able to eliminate a bunch of amp racks and processing equipment, because that's all built onto the back of the enclosure. Further, the 38A's rigging hardware is right there on the box, so there's no need for a rigging case. The only thing we have to remember is the flybar. Two guys can put this system up in 15 minutes and break it down in 10. For a small company, that's a big plus."

For onstage monitoring, Audio Analysts 112 VFX monitor wedges are employed in a biamped configuration powered by QSC Powerlight 4.0 and PLX 2402 amplifiers. Supplemental to the wedges are four Shure PSM 600 and two PSM 700 personal monitor systems for wireless operation. "I do a lot of work with headsets–both drama jobs and big bands," said Ralph. "Frequently, I'll do projects that use as many as 12 headsets, and these can take off on you if you're not careful."

At FOH, Legacy Sound is running the show using a 40-channel Crest X-VCA console, while monitor world is holding down the fort from the outermost edge of stage left using a Mackie TT24 Digital Live Console with automated recall. A BSS Audio FDS-366t Compact Plus loudspeaker management system handles the majority of signal processing tasks, while SVC model EQ 231GSP graphic EQs provide additional tonal contour.

A Positive Impression

Dare 2 Share's 2005 – 2006 Revolution tour is a dramatic departure from the conventional "church" production, and the teachings of Stier, Zayas and Wheeler are having a profound impact on the youth who participate in the program. "The Revolution tour is something that has to be experienced to be fully appreciated," notes Legacy Sound's Ralph. "The program is attracting upwards of 10,000 teens at a single weekend event. That's a lot of impressionable kids, and the enthusiasm and energy they exhibit speaks volumes for the effectiveness of the program. This is important work, and I'm really proud to be part of it."

Roger Maycock is a former magazine guy now providing independent editorial services to a number of pro audio manufacturers.