LAKE CHARLES, LA — After nearly one year of rebuilding from Hurricane Rita, Trinity Baptist Church, located in Lake Charles, La, is communicating with its congregation again. The 66,000-square-foot church has acquired several SLS loudspeakers to replace its old sound system, which was badly damaged during the September 2005 storm. "The wreckage resulting from Hurricane Rita was catastrophic for Trinity Baptist Church," said Randy Monroe, associate pastor of worship and praise, Trinity Baptist Church.
Niel Traylor, Jr., CEO of N.B. Traylor & Associates, Inc., the consulting engineers for the project, selected RLA/2s, LSB8115s and LS6593S's for Trinity.
Trinity Baptist Church was first established at its downtown location near Lake Charles 80-years-ago and has since been relocated to its current site in south Lake Charles for the past six years. A hub to its community, it is home to a worship center, double gymnasium, children's playhouse, fitness center and student ministry. It is also host to a number of concerts and gospel artist performances.
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