ORLANDO — Professional Wireless Systems RF software developer Jason Eskew has developed the PWS Intermodulation Analysis System (IAS), and after testing in venues ranging from rock concerts to the Super Bowl, this program, meant to resolve frequency coordination issues, is now available to the industry. Eskew was inspired to develop the program in 1997, after spending hours to construct a large coordination using old software. IAS integrates an FCC Data Search, which remains available on local hard drives even while off line. Data can be queried using Latitude and Longitude. The program also integrates a list of US Zip Codes with Lat/Long data. IAS also features a graph displaying selected TV stations, frequencies, candidate "freqs" available for selection and IMD products. The graph simplifies the process of finding 'holes' in the spectrum where additional systems might be added.
System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher
Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0
Internet connection for license activation and occasional FCC data download. (Internet connection NOT required to use the program.)
30 megabyte available hard drive space
Feature Bullets:
Integrates a list of US ZIP Codes with Lat/Long Data
Zone support for coordinations
Frequencies limited solely by compatible frequencies
Graphical view of frequencies, TV stations and IMD products
Freely downloadable from The Internet as a 15-day trial.
Visit: www.professionalwireless.com/IAS. for more information.