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Giving Thanks

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Okay, we’re past daylight savings time, Halloween and the election season, and can look forward to Thanksgiving, the December holidays and New Year’s Eve — all which spell good times (steady work) for the live event industry. There’s over-commercialization of these festivities, but at least on turkey day, we can offer thanks for what we have, including employment that brings meaning into our lives.

The oft-misquoted Mark Twain allegedly uttered: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” That certainly applies to us who mix audio — in a venue, house of worship, tour or local events — ranging from industrials to tractor pulls. That urge to create is instilled in our blood, just as musicians are drawn to performing.

In our Hans Zimmer Live cover story, FOH engineer Colin Pink speaks out about the tour. “Hans always says that with music you learn to play, and ‘play’ is the right word. Mixing is in the same vein, so it’s not work, it’s fun!” Not that it’s all fun (Pink is handing 247 inputs) and works in some less-than-acoustically-conducive spaces — but pulling off that nightly miracle definitely provides the entire crew with virtual pats on the back on a job well done.

The feeling on rock shows is no different. Summing his perspective, Sammy Hagar FOH Ace Baker has a positive attitude. “In the words of 80’s supergroup Journey, ‘Don’t Stop Believing.’ There is no secret to success, just work hard, be on time, work every show that you possibly can and keep smiling. What you pay attention to becomes your life.”

Sounds like good advice.

Travel safe!