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And He Said it Shouldn’t Be Done…

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I was in London at the PLASA Show in October of 2002 with a freshly-printed copy of the first issue of FRONT of HOUSE in my hand. I went up to a very well-respected industry luminaire (pardon, the lighting reference). I proudly handed it to him and he looked at it for a few seconds, then quite sincerely said, “You know, the industry just doesn’t need another performance audio magazine.”

The first issue of FRONT of HOUSE, Oct. 2002

Well, to say the least, I was crushed. However, like most of us, when someone tells you that something can’t be done, it just makes you want to go out and prove them wrong.

Today, 15 years later, I’m happy to report the industry did need another magazine, and FRONT of HOUSE has continued to grow, thrive, and appears in my eyes to be the dominant magazine in the market.

I know, what else would you expect me to say 😉

A Team Effort

There are so many people to thank for helping make this magazine what it is today, but the first person I would like to thank is you. In all the years I have been in the magazine business (I started when I was 24), I have never been associated with a magazine that has such an engaged audience as the readership of FRONT of HOUSE. You guys/gals are passionate about FRONT of HOUSE and are so responsive. When we did our console survey a few months ago, nearly 5,000 of you took time out of your busy day to participate. It was the biggest response to a survey we have ever had. We appreciate your enthusiasm and your reading the magazine more than you will ever know.

Of course, if we weren’t supplying you with the information you needed to help you in your audio career, you wouldn’t continue reading us for long, and that is where we need to thank our great editorial staff, headed-up by George Petersen. George is the dean of all audio journalists and is one of the most beloved scribes to ever walk the floor of an AES Show. See, George is not just a writer, but he is also an end-user of audio gear, and that combination gives him real world insight into what you go through and what you look for in the gear you choose.

So many of our core writers are top pros in the field as well. Phil Graham, David Morgan, Baker Lee — who has been in every issue of the magazine — and Steve La Cerra are not only in the audio trenches, they are in the field using their audio chops on top productions throughout the country.

Our writing staff of Phil Graham, Steve Jennings, Kevin Mitchell and Dan Daley have a combined 100+ years of experience in writing about live audio. They have a keen insight and bring a unique perspective to all the stories they pen for us.

There are many people behind the scenes that you never see on a “byline” but play integral roles in making the magazine what it is. Our art director, Garret Petrov, and production manager, Mike Street, have produced an exceptional magazine that is as visually stimulating as it is well-written. Our production artist, Angela Marlett, makes sure the pages get laid out on time.

Everyone should give a big tip of the hat to our managing editor, Frank Hammel. Not only does he make sure all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed, he pulls everything in, gets it organized, and makes sure FOH is out on time. Oh… and let’s not forget William Vanyo, who keeps track of all your circulation concerns, among other things that keep our company running.

And last but certainly not least, our sales team of Greg Gallardo, Matt Huber and Mike Devine keep the doors open so we can provide you with this information every month.

There have been others who have graced our pages through the years, and we certainly appreciate their service during their time.

Fifteen years is a milestone, especially in the publishing industry, which sees more than 97 percent of new magazines fail within their first three years. I feel very fortunate you have found our work to be of value to you in your professional career. Rest assured, we will keep up the good work for you in the next 15 years as well!