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Allen & Heath iLive Firmware Update with Engineer Presets

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Allen & Heath has released an interim firmware update for its iLive range of digital mixing systems, v1.91, containing a series of presets created by well known sound engineer and regular iLive user, Ben Booker. Pictured here is a screen shot of the Dyn EQ.

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Booker has toured as a monitor and FOH engineer with many artists, including Scissor Sisters, Spiritualized and PJ Harvey, and won Monitor Engineer of the Year at the Total Production Awards in 2009. He has also produced, mixed and mastered various recording projects and mixed on stage sound and broadcast mixes on numerous TV and Radio shows, including MTV Awards and BBC Live Lounge.

Booker has extensive operating experience of iLive and has written his suggested presets for Dynamic EQ and Multiband compressors based on years of touring with the system. iLive users will love his tricks with these powerful tools, from the ‘Off Mic Boost’ to deal with bad mic techniques, to the ‘IEM Help’ to gently compress in-ear mixes, or ‘Bass Fix’ to smooth out bass guitars.

Allen & Heath iLive Firmware Update with Engineer Presets - Multi BD compressor screen shot“The Dyn EQ and Multi BD compressor (pictured here) are both creative and controlling in use. They are the swiss knife off the audio world as virtually any sound can be fixed or enhanced with them. They are very powerful and worth taking the time to learn in depth,” explains Booker.

The firmware update can be downloaded from