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Danish Castle Concert Gets Assist from L-Acoustics KARA

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LEJRE, Denmark – Moto Rental has provided sound reinforcement equipment for the annual Ledreborg Castle Concert for nearly 20 years, and has used L-Acoustics systems for the event since 1999. FOH engineer Henrik Bonne selected Moto's new KARA WST line source system with SB18 subwoofers. The Danish National Chamber Orchestra hosts the event with various guest performers.
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L-Acoustics KARA Chosen For Annual Danish Castle Concert


LEJRE, Denmark – Danish company Moto Rental has been supplying equipment for the annual Ledreborg Slotskoncerter (Ledreborg Castle Concert) for almost 20 years. Since 1999, Moto Rental has used L-Acoustics systems for the event, hosted by the Danish National Chamber Orchestra with various guest performers. This year, FOH engineer Henrik Bonne chose Moto's new KARA WST modular line source system with SB18 subs for the concert.



"Everyone was very excited about getting this large KARA/SB18 system," says Bonne who has mixed the concert since 1995. "Normally we work with V-DOSC in larger venues and KARA in smaller venues. But using KARA on this large outdoor concert, which attracted 24,000 people over two days, really impressed us. We only received good, positive feedback about the sound."



The main system consisted of 20 KARA cabinets each for left and right hangs, with an extra four for frontfill, with eight flown SB18s per side and three 115HiQ coaxials as infill speakers. In addition, Moto also supplied a delay system of eight stacked KIVA ultra compact line source cabinets and two KILO low frequency extensions (left), six flown KIVAs and two KILOs (center), and four stacked KIVAs and two KILOs (right). Sixteen 12XT coaxials were used for delay throughout the park, with the whole system powered by 20 LA8 amplified controllers.