QSC recently introduced two new products designed to enhance the capabilities of the company's Q-Sys integrated system platform. Both the new TSC-3 Controller, pictured here, and CCN32 CobraNet Audio I/O Card expand the offerings of the Q-Sys system, which is designed for audio system control of large-scale venues in hospitality, transportation, entertainment, worship and sports venue sectors.
The Q-Sys TSC-3 touch screen controller is designed for simple and cost-effective control of Q-Sys systems and other devices under Q-Sys control. The TSC-3 utilizes Q-Sys Designer software to create custom control panels (called User Control Interfaces or UCIs), with buttons, faders, custom navigation and other software tools including bitmaps and other graphical images, and then deploys those control panels to this interface. These UCIs can then be utilized to control any aspect of a Q-Sys system and other elements that are put under Q-Sys control including CD and DVD players, projectors, video switchers and other devices.
Designed to be wall-mounted and fit into a standard US 2-gang wall box, the TSC-3 employs Power over Ethernet (PoE) making it easy to install, and utilizes a Capacitive Touch surface so it is very intuitive for the end user to be able to control any part of a Q-Sys system.
QSC is also premiering the Q-Sys CCN32 CobraNet Audio I/O Card, which enables system bridging between Q-Sys and a CobraNet legacy platform. The CCN32 fits in either a Q-Sys Core or I/O Frame and provides up to 32 x 32 channels of CobraNet audio in/out of a Q-Sys system.
Designed especially for very large networked legacy systems, the CCN32 promises to serve as a cost-effective solution for a phased approach to bridge between an existing CobraNet platform and the conversion to the Q-Sys platform.
Both the products are expected to ship this July. The suggested retail price of the TSC-3 is $699 and the suggested retail price of the CCN32 is $2,999.
Q-Sys is an integrated system platform that encompasses everything from the audio input to loudspeakers, provides all the audio routing, processing, control and monitoring necessary for any facility while maintaining audio quality and reliability.
For more information, please visit www.qscaudio.com.