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Outline GTO Line Array Series

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Outline’s GTO (Grand Touring Outline) Series of line array speakers combine high power output in a compact and relatively lightweight cabinet featuring Outline’s Butterfly design. The cabinets promise clear, non-colored, high SPL audio.

Outline launched its original Butterfly system in 2002, and says GTO builds on those design principles with greater SPL, more control, improved resolution, faster transient response and uniformity for long distance sound projection.


When coupled in an array, GTO’s V-shaped front baffle allows individual sound sources to be positioned closer together than in conventional line-source systems. Outline says this facilitates superior acoustical coupling between high-frequency modules, producing a smooth yet extended HF response.


Outline adds that this allows for an ‘unbroken baffle’ shape through an array which minimizes diffraction and deterioration of the mid-high frequencies, contributing to the far-field performance of the system.


Each cabinet offers 10 loudspeakers housed in a compact case with a large surface area of sound-producing elements, designed to increase phase coherence between component groups at the exit point of the cabinet.


Each cabinet weighs 212 lbs (96 kg), yet still delivers high SPLs. Weight-saving features include lightweight components and an aluminum alloy used for the integrated flying hardware instead of steel — the aluminum reduces the per-cabinet weight of the hardware by 66-percent, yet is strong enough to fly up to 24 GTO cabinets with a total weight of 2.36 tons (2.4 tonnes).


Each cabinet offers four Double Parabolic Reflective Waveguide devices, each driven by a three-inch diaphragm (1.4-inch throat) compression driver to cover the high frequency range. The critical mid frequency section, covering the 200Hz to 1kHz range, promises superior electro-acoustic transduction coherence for midrange punch. Both the midrange and high frequency bands exit the GTO cabinet through the same 90-degree horizontal dispersion waveguide.


The low frequency section features two 15-inch cone transducers designed to produce articulation and dynamic response in the 50Hz to 200Hz range. Each cabinet offers an integrated splay angle panel to make adjustments between cabinets and is available with the GTO main flying frame capable of handling up to 24 cabinets.


The GTO series rounds out with the GTO-LOW bass extension cabinet and the LAB 21 HS Infra-Low, 21-inch subwoofer. Four GTO cabinets mounted together are capable of producing 150 SPL.


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